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Thursday, January 19 2017

We start at a young age to collect things. It could be clothing, pictures, collectibles, books, letters, greeting cards or other items that belong to us. They are our possessions. We get great joy from gathering items we can call our own. Over the years, our collection of things tend to grow.

Then, we grow up and move out of our parents' home.  We take our "stuff" with us. However, we tend to continue to collect things.  Our wardrobe, our collection of books, items for our apartment or home, for example, continue to expand.  Before we know it, we have filled our space with so much, we lose track of what we have. Sound familiar?

When does it become a time when we finally say "Enough already!"?

Over the years, I have works with hundreds of clients who contacted me because they were at the end of their rope. They felt that it was "enough already!".  That is the big picture, a general statement. 

However, when we actually get down to the nitty gritty, sometimes it becomes difficult to say "I have enough".  We look more closely at our possessions. Do we have enough black pants?  Do we have enough sets of dishes or glassware? Do we have enough bed linens?  Do we have enough artwork? Do we have enough books?  (The list goes on and on.)

Personally, I have been living in my current home for over 18 years.  I, like everyone else, have continued to collect items in my home. I, too, have filled my home with special possessions, practical possessions, etc. 

This year is different.  This year I have declared the year 2017 as the year I say "Enough already!".  I am, like I tend to do on a semi-annual basis, going through my possessions to get rid of what I no longer need. The difference is, this year I am saying that I have enough and want to focus on using the items I already have and avoid going out and buying more.  (What a great way to save some money!) I want to become more realistic about what I truly need to hold on to and what things I can let go of, because I have more than enough of something.

This, sometimes, can be very difficult to do.  We can always come up with reasons as to why we should hold onto something.  "It's still in good condition."  "I spent good money on it."  "Someone gave it to me." 

If you find that you are making these statements and using them as an excuse to hold onto something, it might just be time to let it go.  

Make 2017 the year that YOU say "Enough Already!".  If you find it difficult to do on your own, simply reach out to a professional, such as myself, who can help you to decide how much is the right amount to hold onto and how to let the other stuff go.  Remember, it's all about balance. It's all about having "A Better Space"!

Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 02:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  6 Comments  |  Email
Many of my peers and I agree, and are beginning the process of culling. It seems like the first half of our lives is spent accumulating, and the second half letting go. Getting to a point where I can feel that I have enough is a wonderful and freeing journey!
Posted by Seana Turner on 01/23/2017 - 03:29 PM
Yes! Based on this theory, it looks like I will live to be 110!
Posted by Audrey Cupo on 01/23/2017 - 06:05 PM
I spend lots of time talking to my clients about defining enough. How much is enough? This is a really pertinent topic!
Posted by Diane Quintana on 01/23/2017 - 07:14 PM
Yes, Diane! I have found there is just not one answer. Everyone's situation is a little different.
Posted by Audrey Cupo on 01/23/2017 - 08:16 PM
I'm in a bit of a different space. I have enough of most things, but some of it is very old or was given to me and isn't to my taste, so I'm gradually saying "enough" of this old stuff and replacing it with something I actually like.
Posted by Janet Barclay on 01/24/2017 - 06:47 AM
I always believe you should surround yourself with things that you love. It's just a matter of how much. Replacing old things that you do not enjoy with new things that you love is best. The one in one out rule works well for this.
Posted by Audrey on 01/24/2017 - 08:03 AM

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